
Sunday, January 25, 2004

Well, the day arrived!!! Today at about 1:00pm I got my dog. He is a tri-colored Jack Russell Terrier. He is about 8 weeks old and his name is Captain Jack(after two of my favorite movie characters). He is a wonderful dog. He is very playful and when he is not playing he is sleeping. I really enjoyed the experience I have had looking for my dog. I hope you have success in finding yours as well.

And I don't think I can say it enough, a dog is a very large responsibility. You need money for food, toys, warmth, vet bill, and to pay for it to be spayed or neutered. I cant stress enough how much joy a pet can bring to your life. The love you forever and will get lonely if you have to get rid of them.

I hope your quest was as exciting as mine!!!

:) WOOF!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2004

If you have the money and resources for a dog, now is when you stared to seriously look for one. Places that I found useful were pet shops, news papers, and other on-line sites. I called several local pet shops that I found on-line or in the yellow-pages. In my case I had no luck. That is when I started to search the classifieds.

I used mostly on-line classifieds. I would search for local papers online and then do a classifieds search. I also used web sites such as petfinder.com and 2000dogs.com. These were both very handy.

After several weeks of searching I could not find a fox terrier. That is when I thought I should consider another breed. So I started searching for a Jack Russell Terrier instead.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

After you have found a dog that you like, you need to think about some of the cost involved with owning a dog. Some things I found you need to think about buying are food, dog dishes, toys, and some way to keep your dog worm. All of these things are very important. For obvious reasons you need food and dishes, but your dog will want some way to entertain himself. You need to have something like a ball, rope of squeaky toy.

After you have all of the considered you are doing well. Remember, if you don't have a way to keep paying for food you might want to consider saving up for a dog. You also don't want to get a dog and be gone all day. If would be very hard on your puppy if you were never around.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

After seeing a dog you like, there are a few things you need to consider.

First you want to consider where you live and how the dog will be managed. For example, if you live in a small apartment you may want to consider a smaller dog instead of a St. Bernard. You want to find a dog that is compatible to your lifestyle. If you don't have a lot of time to groom your dog you might think of getting a dog with short hair. If you have children consider a dog that is usually good with children.

You also need to consider the dogs needs. Every dog needs some place where it can go to relieve itself. Remember, you are now taking care of a very needy thing. A dog is not something you can just through in a closet and forget about. They are a 24 hr a day, 7 days a week responsibility.

You might want to check out dog breeds you are interested in a the A.K.C.(American Kennel Club) web sight, which is linked to the left.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Dogs! What better animal for someone as active as me, Katie Hermes. So, alright, I was a cat person for years, but when my cat started hanging out with my sister and dad I decided I needed an animal that could keep up with my active life. However, I wanted an animal that was still small, like a cat, but a bit more friendly and easy to manage. Then while surfing the web I came across a wonderful little dog, a Fox Terrier.

I hope that with my help you will hopefully be able to find a good animal to be your companion. We will take this journey together. This quest, the search for the perfect dog: my way!

Click the first link to see where I first saw the kind of dog I wanted.

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